Welcome to Advanced Tic-Tac-Toe! Here's a quick guide to help you navigate the game and enjoy every feature it has to offer🚀

Classic Mode:

Play Tic-Tac-Toe with traditional rules: win by aligning three (or more, depending on the board size) symbols in a row, column, or diagonal.

Extended mode:

A unique twist: when your piece limit is reached, you must move an existing piece to a new position. This mode adds a strategic layer to the game, challenging you to think several moves ahead.

Player Options:

  • 1 Player: Compete against an AI opponent.
  • 2 Players: Challenge a friend in a head-to-head match!

AI Difficulty Levels:

  • Dumb: Ideal for beginners or a casual game. The AI makes random moves, providing an easy challenge.
  • Medium: The AI balances strategy and simplicity, offering a moderate challenge.
  • My Champ: The ultimate test of skill. Powered by advanced algorithms, this AI will push your tactical abilities to the limit.

Enjoy the game and sharpen your strategy skills! 😊 I highly recommend trying the Extended Mode with friends or the AI for a fresh and exciting challenge.